Use OS Worker to
document every step
An essential aspect of quality assurance is documenting the progress and final result of the job.
For this reason, we made it possible to add any type of file to an order through the OS Worker app, such as photos, videos, creditor invoices, case confirmations and other forms to be filled out or signed. All you need is your mobile device, and you have everything needed to help the team do their job, at the job site or down the line.

Upload photos, videos or files directly into the app
All documentation is stored safely in one place
Search, find and fill out quality assurance documentation when you need it
Detailed and updated documentation
To further safeguard the quality of the work and to make it easier for the details to be remembered later, each file will always automatically include the name of who added it as well as the date and time of its upload.
In addition, any visuals can be named, given a description, commented or drawn upon. This allows the worker to write if it is a before- or after- photo, emphasize a specific aspect to a colleague, give instructions and even add important information for the customer.
Having all documentation stored securely in one place will not only make it easier for you but it also allows everyone on the team to immediately see the files in the system once they are added.

Documenting and saving in the app
Photos and videos can be taken directly through the app or uploaded from an individual’s device.
The visuals can be organized into subfolders. For instance, you can have all images of a certain part being installed, all images from a specific day, or all images taken by a specific employee separated into different folders. It is also possible to limit access to folders in case of sensitive or private material.
Easily customize the setup to work best for you, so that the documents are easy to find later.
This way, you can quickly find the documentation to confirm which materials you have used and that the work was carried out in accordance with the customer's wishes and relevant quality standards.
"I recommend OS WORKER because you get time registration, orders and invoicing all in one place. This means that from the time you create a customer to the time you send an invoice, it only takes 2 minutes."
Martin Ganderup

Request a free trial
Ready to get started? Contact us today to book your free demo and learn more about the opportunities the OS Worker system can help you achieve.